Asbestos Abatement
First step prior abatement is identification and proper identification is crucial. The abatement project itself is a project with great attention to details and requires skills and experience. Structures that are in bad shape and are not intact should be tested immediately if they are suspected to contain asbestos. While asbestos is a serious matter, do not let companies sell these projects on fear. Seek proper documentation and information from multiple sources and ask as many questions as possible to be able to choose the company that you will feel

Water Damage
If your property experiences a moisture intrusion problem or an interior active leak, action is necessary immediately. Our response time is always within 2 hours. We will send a crew properly prepared and equipped. We can also send a project manager first if an estimate is needed upfront.

Mold Remediation
Moisture intrusion causes mold growth and elevated moisture levels. The incubation process of spores and spreading starts right away and visible mold damage can occur within 48 to 72 hours. Mold spores produce allergens and irritants that could create a medical problem or could exacerbate an existing one.

Fire & Soot Restoration
Fire and smoke related incidents are the most damaging and traumatizing events in people’s lives. Accidents of this kind require a great amount of compassion, professionalism and knowledge. While most items can be still restored, there is always the psychological impact that needs to be kept in mind while working with the customer. Vice versa, while there could be items that cannot be fully restored, the sentimental value of that item may require the unordinary approach to be able to save it. Just like every other emergency type job, Fire

Trauma & Crime Scene
are most often the most devastating events in people’s lives; therefore, these projects can only be addressed by special kind of people. People that go beyond cleaning and are there for you to support you during every single step of this unfortunate project.

Covid-19 Cleanup
The CDC encourages cleaning of high touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and tables at a minimum. These same surfaces are mentioned in the CDCs guidance for commercial spaces as well. Cleaning removes the soil and dirt that harbors the infectious agents, while disinfecting kills the remaining environmental pathogens. Cleaning is a necessary first step in disinfecting a surface. Both cleaning and disinfecting must be a part of your scope of work and plan.